Applicable plans:

The free planThe complete planOn-demand plan

By default, areas are numbered. Waldo reserves a desk for you with a specific number.

In unnumbered areas, users have the freedom to sit anywhere.

It's like the difference between a theater ticket with a seat number (your seat is saved for you) or a theater ticket with no seat number (you'd better arrive early or else risk getting a bad seat).

Step 1 - Specify the unnumbered area

  1. Go to the management portal:

  2. Authenticate using your Microsoft 365 account.

  3. Under 'Desks Rooms and Parking', navigate to 'Resources', then select the 'Entity' and 'Building'. Choose the area you want to mark as unnumbered. 

  4. Click on the unnumbered area then click on save.

  5. When a user selects an unnumbered area in their Waldo app, Waldo will tell them to sit anywhere (if there are desks available).

  6. With an unnumbered area, desks don't appear on the map. You will only see who is in the area (but you who sits where).

  7. In the maps section in the management portal, unnumbered areas appear as below:

Step 2 - Draw the area

To draw an area, you can refer to this article: