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Our connector is not published on the Power BI store. It's necessary to configure your Power BI desktop app to sideload it.
- Before proceeding, make sure to whitelist the Waldo connector.
Follow this guideline to add the thumbprint to your registry:
The thumbprint is: 7011ba34d81307f36c4d14df04835cfb4950db8e - Download the file Waldo.pqx and move (Copy and paste) it to the following path directory: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors.
If the Waldo connector is not visible in Power BI, the Documents folder may be in OneDrive. To handle the case, the folder would appear as {OneDrive}\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors\. However, OneDrive is usually mapped to your local folder which results in the end path C:\Users\{username}\{OneDrive folder}\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors\.
- Launch the Power BI desktop and click Get Data.
Note: If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it at - In the search bar, type Waldo.
- Click Sign-in, then Connect.
Note: Only those with Waldo Organization Administrator or Report Administrator roles can proceed. To assign a role to a user, check out: - You are now set to either create your own reports or use the default template "Waldo-V2.pbx", as mentioned in this article.
Note: If you use our template, do a "refresh" so that it is connected to the account you are using.