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Our connector is not published on the Power BI store. It's necessary to configure your Power BI desktop app to sideload it.

  1. Before proceeding, make sure to whitelist the Waldo connector.
    Follow this guideline to add the thumbprint to your registry:

    The thumbprint is: 7011ba34d81307f36c4d14df04835cfb4950db8e

  2. Download the file Waldo.pqx and move (Copy and paste) it to the following path directory: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors.

    If the Waldo connector is not visible in Power BI, the Documents folder may be in OneDrive. To handle the case, the folder would appear as {OneDrive}\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors\. However, OneDrive is usually mapped to your local folder which results in the end path C:\Users\{username}\{OneDrive folder}\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors\.

  3. Launch the Power BI desktop and click Get Data.

    Note: If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it at

  4. In the search bar, type Waldo.

  5. Click Sign-in, then Connect.

    Note: Only those with Waldo Organization Administrator or Report Administrator roles can proceed. To assign a role to a user, check out:

  6. You are now set to either create your own reports or use the default template "Waldo-V2.pbx", as mentioned in this article.

    Note: If you use our template, do a "refresh" so that it is connected to the account you are using.