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This article describes how to activate or deactivate the desk and parking reservation.

When the desk and parking reservation is activated, the Waldo calendar displays as below:

When the parking reservation is deactivated, the text "My parking place" disappears, as below:

When the desk reservation is deactivated, the text "My office place" disappears, as below:

To activate desk and/or parking reservation, you need to assign licenses first.

Desk and parking reservation are activated by default when you assign licenses to users.

1 - Desk reservation.

Enable/Disable the desk reservation at the enterprise level.

  • Go to the management portal:

  • Authenticate using your Microsoft 365 account.

  • Under Users and then Users again, click on the user for whom you want to deactivate parking. 

  • Check or uncheck the Desk reservation. 

  • You can also select many users and make the changes in bulk.

2 - Parking reservation.

Parking can be deactivated either via the management portal or user settings.

Option 1: Enable/Disable the parking option at the enterprise level per user.

  • Go to the management portal:

  • Authenticate using your Microsoft 365 account.

  • Under Users and then Users again, click on the user for whom you want to deactivate parking.

  • Check or uncheck the Parking spot reservation. 

  • You can also select many users and make the changes in bulk.

Option 2: Enable/disable the parking option at the user level.

Users can activate or deactivate parking via their user settings.

  • Open Waldo in Teams, then click on settings.

  • Check or uncheck mobility.

When parking is deactivated at the enterprise level, users can't activate parking via their user settings.

2.3 - Option 3: Delete the parking at the enterprise level per office.

  • Go to the management portal:

  • Authenticate using your Microsoft 365 account.

  • Under Resources and then Parkings, click on the parking then click on Remove parking.