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One of Waldo's cooler features is Outlook Sync. With Outlook sync, Waldo helps users to automatically set an "Out of Office" appointment in their Outlook calendar for specific dates.

This article describes how to enable the Outlook Sync from the Waldo administrator portal and Teams Desktop

If you'd like to understand the logic behind the Outlook sync, please refer to this article:

You will need Waldo administrative privileges.

1 - From the Waldo administrator portal

  1. Sign in to the Waldo administrator portal -->

  2. Authenticate with administrator privileges.

  3. From the home page, select Global Settings > Outlook Sync.

      - Click the button once to enable the feature. To disable the feature, click the button again.

Enabling the feature means it will be globally applied to all tenant users. However, users may change these settings in their Waldo app's personal settings.

2 - From Teams desktop

1. Sign in to the Teams Desktop

2. Open the Waldo app 

3. Go to Settings > Outlook synchronization. 
    - Click the button once to enable the feature. To disable the feature, click the button again.

If you'd like to know more about the Outlook Sync (how does it work), you can also refer to this documentation.