Applicable plans:

The free planThe complete planOn-demand plan

You can delegate the administration to specific users. Delegation is based on the hierarchy of your Waldo configuration.

1 - Permissions

Organization administrator- Full access to the Waldo portal
- Connect Power BI or Excel to the database.
- Access to the "reservations" tab in the Waldo portal.
Entity ownerand - Can create, rename, delete sub-entities (including buildings, areas, desks, and parking).
- Can create, rename, and delete desks in the entity.
- Can assign or remove office areas to/from any user.
- Can update users settings to users belonging to the entity.
- Connect Power BI or Excel to the database.
- Access to the "reservations" tab in the Waldo portal.
Building owner- Can rename a building.
- Can create, rename, and delete areas in the building.
- Can create, rename, and delete desks in the building.
- Can assign or remove office areas to/from any user.
- Can update users settings to users belonging to the entity.
- Can assign area owners
- Connect Power BI or Excel to the database.
- Access to the "reservations" tab in the Waldo portal.
Area owner- Can rename an area.
- Can create, rename, and delete desks in the office.
- Can update user settings to users belonging to the area (such as assigning a dedicated desk belonging to the area, updating a must-have or a nice-to-have, updating the priority of the area for a user belonging to the area).
- Can manage one or many areas
- Connect Power BI or Excel to the database.
- Access to the "reservations" tab in the Waldo portal.
License administrator- Can assign or remove licenses to/from any user.
- Can manage one or multiple subscriptions.
- Connect Power BI or Excel to the database.
Parking owner- Can reserve parking spots for any user.
- Can create, rename, and delete parking spot.
- Can assign parking to users.
- Access to the "reservations" tab in the Waldo portal (parking only).
Report Administrator- Connect Power BI or Excel to the database.

2 - Set a role

  1. Go to the management portal:

  2. Authenticate using your Microsoft 365 account.

  3. Navigate to the users page. From the list of users, click the profile of the user you want to assign the role to.

  4. Scroll down and click on Add admin role...

3 - Access

Once you have granted permissions to a specific user, this user can now connect to the Waldo management portal. Depending on his/her permissions, some features or access will be granted or not.