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For technical reasons, customer service may need your user ID for troubleshooting. Here's how you can retrieve it.

Option 1: Via the Waldo Management Portal.

  1. Go to the Waldo management portal at

  2. Navigate to the Users page.

  3. Move your cursor to the right, in the FILTERS section, write the username or email address. After that, press apply to search.

  4. To view the properties, press a user's name from the search results and scroll down the page. You will find the User ID.

Option 2: Via the Waldo app.

  1. Open the Waldo application. You must be connected as a user.

  2. Navigate to Settings and then scroll down the page, you will see the User ID.

Option 3: Via the Graph Explorer.

  1. Go to the Microsoft Graph Explorer website:

  2. Ensure you are authenticated with your Microsoft 355 account.

  3. Click on "run query".

  4.  Your user ID is at the bottom.