Applicable plans:

The free planThe complete planOn-demand plan

This article describes which metrics you can get with Waldo.

1 - Building and Parking occupancies.

  • Go to the management portal:

  • Authenticate using your Microsoft 365 account.

  • Under Metrics, navigate to Buildings, then click on Select a building and choose your desired building.

  • Select the timeframe you want to display.

  • Choose the areas you want to highlight.

  • To download the data, click on Download as CSV.

  • You can follow the same steps to display the parking occupancies.

2 - Workplaces.

  • Under Metrics, and then Workplaces, select the timeframe you want to display.

  • Choose the custom locations you want to highlight.

  • To download the data, click on Download as csv.

3 - Users calendars.

  • Under Metrics, and then Exports, select users calendars.

  • Choose the building you want to highlight and the timeframe.

  • To download the data, click on Export data (CSV).

4 - No-shows per user or no-shows count.

  • Under Metrics, and then Exports, select No shows per users or No shows count.

  • Choose the building you want to highlight and the timeframe.

  • To download the data, click on Export data (CSV).

5 - Opening a CSV file in Excel.

  • Open Microsoft Excel on your computer and select a blank workbook.

  • Navigate to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon and click on the "Get Data" >> "From text/CSV".

  • A file dialog box will appear. Navigate to the location where the downloaded CSV file is stored.

  • Select the file and the text import wizard will open.

  • Choose the file origin and select the delimiter used (commonly a comma or semicolon).

  • Click "Load" or "OK" to import the data into Excel.

  • Your CSV data should now be imported into Excel, and you can work with it as needed.