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Users who leave the company but are still allowed to book tables. This article is entitled How to Delete the Reservation of a user who leaves the company.

You can delete current and future reservations for a specific user from the reservation page. This is especially useful when you have plans to remove users from Azure Active Directory.

There are two ways to clear a user's reservations: through the Users page or the Reservations page.

Option 1: From the Users page

1. Log in to the Waldo management portal: and sign in with the admin right.

2. Navigate to the Users page and from the users list, click the user profile you want to update.

3. After That Click the "Clear reservations and settings" button and Save.

Clear reservations... will remove the user's future reservation and settings (Confirmation required). You will need to redefine the user’s settings, such as allowed areas, priorities, favorite desk, etc.

Option 2: From the reservations page

1. Log in to the Waldo management portal: and sign in with the admin right.

2. Navigate to the Reservations page, expand the area, and then, Identify the user for whom you want to clear reservations.

3. Select the user and Look for an option or button that is labeled "Clear Reservation...".

[Clear reservation] will remove the user's today reservation (No confirmation).

[Clear reservations...] will remove the user's future reservation and settings (Confirmation required). You will need to redefine the user’s settings, such as allowed areas, priorities, favorite desk, etc.

4. If prompted, confirm that you want to remove or clear the reservation for the selected user.

If admins have plans to remove users from Active Directory, we strongly recommend that admins delete their reservations from Waldo first, using the clear reservation... function.This will remove their future reservations from Waldo's calendar view.