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How to count the number of WFH days per user with Excel

Here's how you can count the number of WFH days per user with Excel.

Note: You must be a Waldo Organization Administrator (or an area owner, office owner or license administrator) and being license with the complete version of Waldo.
More information here:

  1. Start Excel.

  2. Activate the Power Pivot for Excel add-in as described here:

  3. Click on data then get data and select From OData Feed.

  4. Select "Basic", enter the following URL: and click ok.

  5. Click Select multiple items, then CustomLocationReservations and Users.

  6. Select the Data tab, then RelationShips.

  7. Click New..., define the relationship as below and click OK.

  8. Right-click on CustomLocationReservations then select Load To...

  9. Select PivotTableReport and Existing worksheet.

  10. Define the PivotTable as below.
    (ensure you selected All)
  11. Filter with the HOME field.

  12. Here you go!

  13. Save your file and refresh data when you need.

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