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User filtering - Area priority

 Display max value of the Area instead of 100 because in our case priority is set to 100, 150 and 200 but we are not able to do the correct selection

Hello Claude,

Thanks for this feedback. Here's what we've got in mind: we'd like to give the possibility (for administrators) to tell Waldo what is the highest and lowest authorized value AND to indicate the meaning of each priority (with a free text).

Here's an example:

max value = 1000 = "for reduced mobility people"

lowest value = -100 = "for guest"

0 = "normal priority"

500 = "for your main area"

200 = "for your first fall-back area"


Would that help?


Hello Claude,

Now, when you click the infotip nearby the priority section, you can see some recommendations about the priorities.

I hope it helps.

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